I finished 4th of 337 in my age group, female 50-54 at the biggest 5K only race in the Midwest in my college town where I live of Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Today, it was so nice to race in shorts in April in Michigan. We have had some rare, warmer weather. It has felt nice to my heart, since this week was when our sweet hamster boy, Hammy Cash passed away sometime on April 12, 2023, dying of old age at almost 2.5 years old, in his sleep peacefully. I decided to dedicate my race to his memory.
Today wasn't a personal best type of day, but that's okay. I still placed 4th in my female age 50-54 age group, out of 337 in my age group. This was the biggest race I've done since my return to racing in 2021. I have done this race two years prior to this year, but it was only offered virtually. It supports many great charities that my alma mater, the University of Michigan supports too.
The thrill for so many is to finish on the field of the Big House, our football stadium here. Since I'm short and was tired though, I didn't jump up to hit the banner, as you can tell from my official race photos here, hahaha! :) Oh well, maybe next year.
I always learn something new while racing. I enjoyed the course, since it's through campus, past many places where I hang out or do training runs on. On this race day, I learned that even with heavy grief, I can push myself hard. Also, two days prior to this race, I had a rough time hitting my paces for a threshold running workout. It was the day after my hamster passed and my body wouldn't let me push past my grief as much as I wanted. I know that it's a cliche a bit, but showing up does work. I showed any way that day for my workout and every day since, including my race here. It's not always easy. Oh wait, correction...it's never easy. I continue tor re-learn that lesson...the one that says to not ask for an easier life, but rather, ask for more strength. Okay, got it :)
I love Picky Bars' products especially for my post-race recovery. I'm currently training for half marathon number 3 which will be in early June here. Whew, so grateful for the Mint Condition bars and the ProatMilk recovery drink especially.
Until next time! :)